Special Screen Names

There are two kinds of special screen names in Ren'Py. The first are screens that will be automatically displayed when Ren'Py script language commands (or their programmatic equivalents) are run. The other type are menu screens. These have conventional names for conventional functionality, but screens can be omitted or changed as is deemed necessary.

On this page, we'll give example screens. It's important to realize that, while some screens must have minimal functionality, the screen system makes it possible to add additional functionality to screens. For example, while the standard say screen only displays text, the screen system makes it easy to add features like skipping, auto-forward mode, or muting.

Some special screens take parameters. These parameters can be accessed as variables in the screen's scope.

Some of the screens also have special ids associated with them. A special id should be assigned to a displayable of a given type. It can cause properties to be assigned to that displayable, and can make that displayable accessible to the part of Ren'Py that displays the screen.

In-Game Screens

These screens are automatically displayed when certain Ren'Py statements execute.


The say screen is called by the say statement, when displaying ADV-mode dialogue. It is displayed with the following parameters:


The text of the name of the speaking character.


The dialogue being said by the speaking character.

It's expected to declare displayables with the following ids:


A text displayable, displaying the name of the speaking character. The character object can be given arguments that style this displayable.


A text displayable, displaying the dialogue being said by the speaking character. The character object can be given arguments that style this displayable. A displayable with this id must be defined, as Ren'Py uses it to calculate auto-forward-mode time, click-to-continue, and other things.


A window or frame. This conventionally contains the who and what text. The character object can be given arguments that style this displayable.

screen say(who, what):

    window id "window":
        has vbox

        if who:
            text who id "who"

        text what id "what"


The choice screen is used to display the in-game choices created with the menu statement. It is given the following parameter:


This is a list of menu entry objects, representing each of the choices in the menu. Each of the objects has the following fields on it:


A string giving the caption of the menu choice.


An action that should be invoked when the menu choice is chosen. This may be None if this is a menu caption, and config.narrator_menu is False.


This is True if this choice has been chosen at least once in any playthrough of the game.


This is a tuple that contains any positional arguments passed to the menu choice.


This is a dictionary that contains any keyword arguments passed to the menu choice.

These items, and the actions within, become invalid when the menu statement ends.

In addition, any arguments passed to a menu statement are passed in during the call to the screen.

screen choice(items):

        style "menu_window"

            style "menu"

            for i in items:

                if i.action:

                        action i.action
                        style "menu_choice_button"

                        text i.caption style "menu_choice"

                    text i.caption style "menu_caption"


The input screen is used to display renpy.input(). It is given one parameter:


The prompt text supplied to renpy.input.

It is expected to declare a displayable with the following id:


An input displayable, which must exist. This is given all the parameters supplied to renpy.input, so it must exist.

screen input(prompt):

        has vbox

        text prompt
        input id "input"


The nvl screen is used to display NVL-mode dialogue. It is given the following parameter:


A list of NVL Entry objects, each of which corresponds to a line of dialogue to be displayed. Each entry has the following fields:


True if this is the current line of dialogue. The current line of dialogue must have its what text displayed with an id of "what".


The name of the speaking character, or None of there is no such name.


The text being spoken.

who_id, what_id, window_id

Preferred ids for the speaker, dialogue, and window associated with an entry.

who_args, what_args, window_args

Properties associated with the speaker, dialogue, and window. These are automatically applied if the id is set as above, but are also made available separately.


If multiple character dialogue, this is a two component tuple. The first component is the one-based number of the dialogue block, and the second is the total number of dialogue blocks in the multiple statement.


This is the same list of items that would be supplied to the choice screen. If this is empty, the menu should not be shown.

When items is not present, the NVL screen is expected to always give a text widget an id of "what". Ren'Py uses it to calculate auto-forward-mode time, click-to-continue, and other things. (This is satisfied automatically if the default what_id is used.)

Ren'Py also supports an nvl_choice screen, which takes the same parameters as nvl, and is used in preference to nvl when an in-game choice is presented to the user, if it exists.

screen nvl(dialogue, items=None):

        style "nvl_window"

        has vbox:
            style "nvl_vbox"

        # Display dialogue.
        for d in dialogue:
                id d.window_id

                has hbox:
                    spacing 10

                if d.who is not None:
                    text d.who id d.who_id

                text d.what id d.what_id

        # Display a menu, if given.
        if items:

                id "menu"

                for i in items:

                    if action:

                            style "nvl_menu_choice_button"
                            action i.action

                            text i.caption style "nvl_menu_choice"


                        text i.caption style "nvl_dialogue"


The notify screen is used by renpy.notify() to display notifications to the user. It's generally used in conjunction with a transform to handle the entire task of notification. It's given a single parameter:


The message to display.

The default notify screen, and its associated transform, are:

screen notify(message):
    zorder 100

    text message at _notify_transform

    # This controls how long it takes between when the screen is
    # first shown, and when it begins hiding.
    timer 3.25 action Hide('notify')

transform _notify_transform:
    # These control the position.
    xalign .02 yalign .015

    # These control the actions on show and hide.
    on show:
        alpha 0
        linear .25 alpha 1.0
    on hide:
        linear .5 alpha 0.0

Skip Indicator

If present, skip_indicator screen is displayed when skipping is in progress, and hidden when skipping finishes. It takes no parameters.

Here's a very simple skip indicator screen:

screen skip_indicator():

    zorder 100

    text _("Skipping")

CTC (Click-To-Continue)

If present, the ctc screen is displayed when dialogue has finished showing, to prompt the player to click to display more text. It may be given a single parameter and multiple keyword arguments.


The ctc displayable selected by the Character(). This is one of the ctc, ctc_pause, or ctc_timedpause arguments to Character, as appropriate. If no CTC is given to the Character, this argument is not passed at all.

In addition, there are several parameters that are only passed if the screen requires them.


The kind of CTC to display. One of "last" (for the last CTC on a line), "pause", or "timedpause".


The ctc argument to Character().


The ctc_pause argument to Character().


The ctc_timedpause argument to Character().

Here's a very simple ctc screen:

screen ctc(arg=None):

    zorder 100

        xalign 0.98
        yalign 0.98

        add arg

        text _("Click to Continue"):
            size 12

Out-Of-Game Menu Screens

These are the menu screens. The main_menu and yesno_prompt are invoked implicitly. When the user invokes the game menu, the screen named in _game_menu_screen will be displayed. (This defaults to save.)

Remember, menu screens can be combined and modified fairly freely.


The save screen is used to select a file in which to save the game.

screen save():

    # This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced.
    tag menu

    use navigation

        has vbox

        # The buttons at the top allow the user to pick a
        # page of files.
            textbutton _("Previous") action FilePagePrevious()
            textbutton _("Auto") action FilePage("auto")

            for i in range(1, 9):
                textbutton str(i) action FilePage(i)

            textbutton _("Next") action FilePageNext()

        # Display a grid of file slots.
        grid 2 5:
            transpose True
            xfill True

            # Display ten file slots, numbered 1 - 10.
            for i in range(1, 11):

                # Each file slot is a button.
                    action FileAction(i)
                    xfill True
                    style "large_button"

                    has hbox

                    # Add the screenshot and the description to the
                    # button.
                    add FileScreenshot(i)
                    text ( " %2d. " % i
                           + FileTime(i, empty=_("Empty Slot."))
                           + "\n"
                           + FileSaveName(i)) style "large_button_text"


The load screen is used to select a file from which to load the game.

screen load():

    # This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced.
    tag menu

    use navigation

        has vbox

        # The buttons at the top allow the user to pick a
        # page of files.
            textbutton _("Previous") action FilePagePrevious()
            textbutton _("Auto") action FilePage("auto")

            for i in range(1, 9):
                textbutton str(i) action FilePage(i)

            textbutton _("Next") action FilePageNext()

        # Display a grid of file slots.
        grid 2 5:
            transpose True
            xfill True

            # Display ten file slots, numbered 1 - 10.
            for i in range(1, 11):

                # Each file slot is a button.
                    action FileAction(i)
                    xfill True
                    style "large_button"

                    has hbox

                    # Add the screenshot and the description to the
                    # button.
                    add FileScreenshot(i)
                    text ( " %2d. " % i
                           + FileTime(i, empty=_("Empty Slot."))
                           + "\n"
                           + FileSaveName(i)) style "large_button_text"


The preferences screen is used to select options that control the display of the game.

In general, the preferences are either actions or bar values returned from Preference().

screen preferences():

    tag menu

    # Include the navigation.
    use navigation

    # Put the navigation columns in a three-wide grid.
    grid 3 1:
        style_prefix "prefs"
        xfill True

        # The left column.
                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Display")
                textbutton _("Window") action Preference("display", "window")
                textbutton _("Fullscreen") action Preference("display", "fullscreen")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Transitions")
                textbutton _("All") action Preference("transitions", "all")
                textbutton _("None") action Preference("transitions", "none")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Text Speed")
                bar value Preference("text speed")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                textbutton _("Joystick...") action ShowMenu("joystick_preferences")


                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Skip")
                textbutton _("Seen Messages") action Preference("skip", "seen")
                textbutton _("All Messages") action Preference("skip", "all")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                textbutton _("Begin Skipping") action Skip()

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("After Choices")
                textbutton _("Stop Skipping") action Preference("after choices", "stop")
                textbutton _("Keep Skipping") action Preference("after choices", "skip")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Auto-Forward Time")
                bar value Preference("auto-forward time")


                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Music Volume")
                bar value Preference("music volume")

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Sound Volume")
                bar value Preference("sound volume")
                textbutton "Test" action Play("sound", "sound_test.ogg") style "soundtest_button"

                style_prefix "pref"
                has vbox

                label _("Voice Volume")
                bar value Preference("voice volume")
                textbutton "Test" action Play("voice", "voice_test.ogg") style "soundtest_button"

style pref_frame:
    xfill True
    xmargin 5
    top_margin 5

style pref_vbox:
    xfill True

style pref_button:
    size_group "pref"
    xalign 1.0

style pref_slider:
    xmaximum 192
    xalign 1.0

style soundtest_button:
    xalign 1.0


The confirm screen is used to ask yes/no choices of the user. It takes the following parameters:


The message to display to the user. At least the following messages are used by Ren'Py:

  • gui.ARE_YOU_SURE - "Are you sure?" This should be the default if the message is unknown.

  • gui.DELETE_SAVE - "Are you sure you want to delete this save?"

  • gui.OVERWRITE_SAVE - "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?"

  • gui.LOADING - "Loading will lose unsaved progress.nAre you sure you want to do this?"

  • gui.QUIT - "Are you sure you want to quit?"

  • gui.MAIN_MENU - "Are you sure you want to return to the mainnmenu? This will lose unsaved progress."

  • gui.CONTINUE - "Are you sure you want to continue where you left off?"

  • gui.END_REPLAY - "Are you sure you want to end the replay?"

  • gui.SLOW_SKIP - "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?"

  • gui.FAST_SKIP_SEEN - "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?"

  • gui.FAST_SKIP_UNSEEN - "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?"

  • UNKNOWN_TOKEN - This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who could have changed the file?

  • TRUST_TOKEN - Do you trust the device the save was created on? You should only choose yes if you are the device's sole user.

The values of the variables are strings, which means they can be displayed using a text displayable.


The action to run when the user picks "Yes".


The action to run when the user picks "No".

Until Ren'Py 6.99.10, this screen was known as the yesno_prompt screen. If no confirm screen is present, yesno_prompt is used instead.

This screen will also be called by the renpy.confirm() function and the Confirm() action.

screen confirm(message, yes_action, no_action):

    modal True

        style "gm_root"

        style_prefix "confirm"

        xfill True
        xmargin 50
        ypadding 25
        yalign .25

            xfill True
            spacing 25

            text _(message):
                textalign 0.5
                xalign 0.5

                spacing 100
                xalign .5
                textbutton _("Yes") action yes_action
                textbutton _("No") action no_action