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# Traditional Chinese translations for Ren'Py 6.12.0e
# 22 March 2011 By DreamsCreator Shuen (

init -1 python hide:

    u'Graphics Acceleration'
    : u'圖像加速',

    u'Automatically Choose'
    : u'自動選擇',

    u'Prefer Software Renderer'
    : u'優先的軟件呈現器',

    u'Prefer OpenGL Renderer'
    : u'優先的OpenGL呈現器',

    : u'繼續',

    u'Are you sure?'
    : u'你確定嗎?',

    u'Are you sure you want to delete this save?'
    : u'你確定要刪除此記錄嗎?',

    u'Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?'
    : u'你確定要覆蓋此記錄嗎?',

    u'Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?'
    : u'會失去未保存的進度.\n你確定嗎?',

    u'Are you sure you want to quit?'
    : u'你確定要離開嗎?',

    u'Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress.'
    : u'你確定要回到主選單嗎??\n會失去未保存的進度.',

    u'Skip Mode'
    : u'跳過對話模式',

    u'Fast Skip Mode'
    : u'快速跳過對話模式',

    u'Please click to continue.'
    : u'點擊繼續.',

    u'Start Game'
    : u'開始遊戲',

    u'Load Game'
    : u'讀取進度',

    : u'遊戲選項',

    : u'幫助',

    u'Save Game'
    : u'保存遊戲',

    u'Main Menu'
    : u'主選單',

    u'Begin Skipping'
    : u'略過開始',

    u'Empty Slot.'
    : u'空欄位.',

    : u'上一個',

    : u'下一個',

    : u'否',

    u'The error message was:'
    : u'錯誤信息為:',

    u'You may want to try saving in a different slot, or playing for a while and trying again later.'
    : u'您可嘗試保存到其他欄位,或者繼續進行遊戲稍後再嘗試保存。',

    u'Save Failed.'
    : u'保存失敗',

    u'Continue Game'
    : u'繼續遊戲',

    : u'測試',

    : u'左',

    : u'右',

    u'Not Assigned'
    : u'無指定',

    : u'上',

    : u'下',

    : u'選擇/解除',

    u'Joystick Mapping'
    : u'遊戲杆映射',

    u'Move the joystick or press a joystick button to create the mapping. Click the mouse to remove the mapping.'
    : u'移動遊戲杆或按遊戲杆按鍵建立映射。單擊鼠標移除映射。',

    : u'回滾',

    u'Hold to Skip'
    : u'按鍵跳過',

    u'Toggle Skip'
    : u'按下保持跳過',

    u'Hide Text'
    : u'隱藏文字',

    : u'選單',

    : u'顯示',

    : u'視窗',

    : u'全螢幕',

    : u'過渡效果',

    : u'全部',

    : u'部份',

    : u'無',

    : u'略過',

    u'Seen Messages'
    : u'看過的信息',

    u'All Messages'
    : u'全部信息',

    u'After Choices'
    : u'選擇支之後',

    u'Stop Skipping'
    : u'停止略過',

    u'Keep Skipping'
    : u'繼續略過',

    u'Text Speed'
    : u'文字速度',

    u'Auto-Forward Time'
    : u'自動前進時間',

    u'Music Volume'
    : u'音樂音量',

    u'Sound Volume'
    : u'音效音量',

    : u'遊戲杆...',

    u'Joystick Configuration'
    : u'遊戲杆設置',

    u'Voice Volume'
    : u'語音音量',

    u'Reload Game (Shift + R)'
    : u'重新載入遊戲 (Shift + R)',

    u'Variable Viewer'
    : u'變數觀看器',

    u'Return to the developer menu'
    : u'返回開發者菜單',

    u'Theme Test'
    : u'樣式測試',

    u'Style Hierarchy'
    : u'風格層次',

    u'Image Location Picker'
    : u'圖片位置選擇器',

    u'Filename List'
    : u'檔案名稱列表',

    : u'完成',

    : u'自動',

    : u'快速',

    u'The patterns did not match any files, so no archive was created.'
    : u'圖案不符合所有文件,所以沒有建立檔案。',

    u'Archiving Files...'
    : u'文件封存中...',

    u'The files have been added to the archive, and moved into the "archived" directory. Future runs of the archiver will archive files in both the "game" and "archived" directories.'
    : u'該文件已被添加到歸檔,並移至“歸檔“目錄。 以後運行壓縮器時, 會把文件中的"遊戲"和"已歸檔"目錄壓縮。',

    : u'壓縮器',

    u'The archiver allows you to obfuscate your game by including files in an archive file.'
    : u'壓縮器能把你的遊戲進行模糊處理,包括已壓縮的文件。',

    u'Archive Name:'
    : u'壓縮文件名稱:',

    u'The name of the archive to create.'
    : u'壓縮文件的名稱創建。',

    u'Include Patterns:'
    : u'包括圖案:',

    u'Files matching these patterns are included in the archive.'
    : u'符合這些圖案的文件包含在壓縮檔中。',

    u'Exclude Patterns:'
    : u'排除圖案:',

    u'Files matching these patterns are excluded from the archive.'
    : u'符合這些圖案的文件排除在壓縮檔外。',

    : u'壓縮',

    u'Build the archive.'
    : u'建立封存。',

    u'Archive Name'
    : u'壓縮文件名稱',

    u'The name of the archive file to create, without the .rpa extension.\n\nThe "data" archive is loaded automatically. Other archives must be added to config.archives.'
    : u'創建該存檔文件的名稱,不帶.rpa擴展名。\n\n "data" 壓縮文件會自動加載。其他檔案必須添加到config.archives中。',

    u'Include Patterns'
    : u'包含圖案',

    u'This is a space-separated list of file patterns. Files matching these patterns are added to the archive.\n\nAsterisks (*) can be used as a wildcard.'
    : u'這是空間分隔的文件圖案。這些圖案匹配的文件會被進壓縮檔。\n\n星號(*)可以用作通配符。',

    u'This is a space-separated list of file patterns. Files matching these patterns are excluded from the archive. If a file is matched by both an exclude and include pattern, the exclude takes precedence.\n\nAsterisks (*) can be used as a wildcard.'
    : u'這是空間分隔的文件圖案。這些圖案匹配的文件會被排除在壓縮檔外。如果一個文件既是排除又是包含的圖案,排除將會優先。\n\n星號(*)可以用作通配符。.',

    u'Scanning Files...'
    : u'掃描文件...',

    u'Could not modify options.rpy. Perhaps it was changed too much.'
    : u'無法修改options.rpy。也許是改變太多了。',

    u'Theme changed to %s.'
    : u'更改為%s的樣式',

    : u'Planetarium天文館',

    u'The options.rpy file does not exist in the game directory, so this launcher cannot change the theme.'
    : u'options.rpy文件不存在於遊戲目錄下,所以這個啟動器無法更改樣式。',

    u"Themes control the basic look of interface elements. You'll be able to pick a color scheme next."
    : u"樣式控制基本的外觀界面元素。你在下一步能夠選擇一種配色方案。",

    u'Choose Theme'
    : u'選擇樣式',

    u'Please choose a color scheme for your project.'
    : u'請為您的企劃選擇一種配色方案。',

    u'Choose Color Scheme'
    : u'選擇配色方案',

    u'Base Name'
    : u'基本名稱',

    u'Please enter in the base name for your distribution. This name is used to generate the names of directories and archive files. Usually, this is the name of your game, plus a version number, like "moonlight-1.0".'
    : u'請輸入您的發行版的基本名稱。此名稱用於生成目錄和歸檔文件的名稱。通常,這是你的遊戲的名稱,加上一個版本號,如"moonlight-1.0"。',

    u'Executable Name'
    : u'可執行文件的名稱',

    u'Please enter a name for the executables in your distribution. This should not include an extension, as that will be added automatically.'
    : u'請在您的發行版中輸入一個名稱的可執行文件名稱。這應該不包括擴充機能,因為這將自動添加。',

    u'Ignore Extensions'
    : u'忽略擴充機能',

    u'Please enter a space-separated list of file extensions. Files with these extensions will not be included in the built distributions.'
    : u'請輸入一個空格分隔名單的檔案擴充機能。文件與這些擴充機能在建立發行版時將不包含在內。',

    u'Documentation Extensions'
    : u'文件擴充機能',

    u'Please enter a space separated list of documentation extensions. Files in the base directory with these extensions will have a second copy stored outside of the Macintosh application.'
    : u'請輸入一個空格分隔名單的檔案擴充機能。基本目錄中的文件與這些擴充機能將有第二個副本存放於Macintosh應用程序外。',

    u'The distributions have been built. Be sure to test them before release.\n\nNote that unpacking and repacking the Macintosh, Linux, or Combined distributions on Windows is not supported.\n\nPlease announce your release at the {a=}Lemma Soft Forums{/a}, and add it to {a=}{/a}.'
    : u'發行版已建成。一定要在發行前對其進行測試。\n\n請注意,不支持在Windows解包和重新打包Macintosh發行版,Linux發行版或複合發行版。\n\n請在{a=}Lemma Soft Forums{/a}公佈您的版本, 並把它添加到 {a=}{/a}.',

    u"I've just performed a lint on your project. If it contains errors, you should say no and fix them.\nPlease also check {a='Py}{/a} to see if updates or fixes are available.\n\nDo you want to continue?"
    : u"我剛為您的企劃執行了 lint。如果有錯誤,你應該說 否 並修復它們。\n也請您查看{a='Py}{/a}看看是否有更新或修復程序可用。\n\n你要繼續嗎?",

    u'Base Name:'
    : u'基本名稱:',

    u'Used to generate the names of directories and archive files.'
    : u'用於生成目錄的名稱和壓縮文件。',

    u'Executable Name:'
    : u'可執行文件的名稱:',

    u'Used to generate the names of executables and runnable programs.'
    : u'用於生成可執行文件的名稱和可運行程序。',

    u'Ignore Extensions:'
    : u'忽略擴充機能:',

    u'Files with these extensions will not be included in the distributions.'
    : u'有這些擴充機能的檔案將不會包含在發行版中.',

    u'Documentation Extensions:'
    : u'文件擴充機能:',

    u'Files with these extensions will be treated as documentation, when building the Macintosh application.'
    : u'當建立Macintosh應用程式的時侯, 有這些擴充機能的檔案將會以文件方式處理.',

    u'Distributions to Build:'
    : u'建立發行版:',

    u'Windows x86'
    : u'Windows x86',

    u'Zip distribution for the 32-bit Windows platform.'
    : u'給32-bit Windows平台使用的Zip發行版.',

    u'Tar.Bz2 distribution for the Linux x86 platform.'
    : u'給Linux x86平台使用的Tar.Bz2發行版.',

    u'Macintosh Universal'
    : u'Macintosh Universal',

    u'Single application distribution for the Macintosh x86 and ppc platforms.'
    : u'單獨給Macintosh x86 and ppc平台的發行版.',

    u'Windows/Linux/Mac Combined'
    : u'Windows/Linux/Mac 複合發行版',

    u'Zip distribution for the Windows x86, Linux x86, Macintosh x86 and Macintosh ppc platforms.'
    : u'給Windows x86, Linux x86, Macintosh x86及 Macintosh ppc平台使用的Zip發行版.',

    : u'建立',

    u'Start building the distributions.'
    : u'開始建立發行版.',

    u'The editor has been set from the RENPY_EDITOR environment variable, and cannot be changed.'
    : u'編輯器已設定成RENPY_EDITOR環境變數值, 及不能更改.',

    u'Choose Editor'
    : u'選擇編輯器',

    u"Please choose the editor that will be use to edit scripts and display errors. More editors can be downloaded from {a=}the Ren'Py website{/a}."
    : u"請選擇用來編輯腳本及表示錯誤的編輯器. 更多編輯器可從 {a=}the Ren'Py website{/a}下載.",

    u'Press enter when done.'
    : u'完成後按Enter鍵.',

    u'The string cannot be empty. Please enter some text.'
    : u'腳本不能空白. 請輸入一些文字.',

    u'Non-ASCII filenames are not allowed. This is because Zip files cannot reliably represent non-ASCII filenames.'
    : u'不能認可非ASCII的檔案名稱. 因壓縮檔案時無法確實地提交非ASCII的檔案名稱.',

    u'Processed %d of %d files.'
    : u'已處理 %d | %d 檔案.',

    : u'歡迎!',

    u'Please type the name of your new project.'
    : u'請輸入新企劃的名稱.',

    u'Something with that name already exists in the projects directory.'
    : u'企劃文件夾中己有相同名稱的檔案.',

    u'Could not create the project directory. The error was: %s'
    : u'不能創建企劃文件夾. 出現的錯誤為: %s',

    u'%s Launcher'
    : u'%s 啟動器',

    u'Launcher Options'
    : u'啟動器選項',

    u'Using RENPY_EDITOR'
    : u'使用RENPY_EDITOR',

    u'Change the default text editor.'
    : u'更換預設的文字編輯器.',

    u'Projects Directory'
    : u'企劃文件夾',

    u"Select the directory Ren'Py searches for projects."
    : u"選擇文件夾讓Ren'Py在其中搜尋企劃.",

    u'Tutorial game has been launched.'
    : u'已執行教學遊戲.',

    u'No editor has been selected.'
    : u'沒有選擇編輯器.',

    u'No files to edit.'
    : u'沒有檔案去執行.',

    u'Launching the editor failed.'
    : u'編輯器執行失敗.',

    u'Lint complete.'
    : u'Lint完成.',

    u'Persistent data has been deleted.'
    : u'持久性數據已被刪除.',

    u'Choose Projects Directory'
    : u'選擇企劃文件夾',

    u'Please choose the directory containing your projects.'
    : u'請選擇包含你企劃的遊戲的文件夾.',

    u"Could not run zenity. The projects directory has been set to the directory immediately above the directory containing Ren'Py."
    : u"不能執行zenity. 企劃的文件夾已立即設定成Ren'Py文件夾以外.",

    u'Tutorial Game'
    : u'教學遊戲',

    u"Launches the Ren'Py tutorial game."
    : u"執行Ren'Py教學遊戲.",

    u"Update Ren'Py"
    : u"更新Ren'Py",

    u"Updates Ren'Py to the latest version."
    : u"更新Ren'Py為最新版本.",

    u"Now showing the Ren'Py Games List in your web browser."
    : u"現已在您的web瀏覽器中顯示 以Ren'Py製作的遊戲名單",

    u'Launches the project.'
    : u'執行企劃.',

    u'Edits the script of the project.'
    : u'編輯此企劃的腳本.',

    u"Opens the project's game directory."
    : u"打開企劃的遊戲文件夾.",

    u'Checks the script of the project for likely errors.'
    : u'檢查此企劃的腳本有可能出現的錯誤.',

    u'Changes the theme used by the project.'
    : u'更換此企劃使用的樣式.',

    u'Deletes the persistent data associated with the project.'
    : u'刪除此企劃關聯的持久性數據.',

    u'Archives files found in the game and archived directories.'
    : u'把遊戲中找到的檔案及文件夾收集歸檔',

    u'Builds distributions of the project.'
    : u'建立企劃發行版.',

    : u"Ren'Py",

    u'Create a new project.'
    : u'創建一個新的企劃.',

    u"Ren'Py Games List"
    : u"Ren'Py遊戲名單",

    u"Visit the Ren'Py games list, at"
    : u"參看用Ren'Py製作的遊戲名單, 在",

    u'Causes the launcher to exit.'
    : u'離開啟動器.',

    : u'選項',

    u"Change Ren'Py launcher options."
    : u"更改Ren'Py啟動器選項.",

    u"Ren'Py Help"
    : u"Ren'Py幫手",

    u"Open the Ren'Py documentation in a web browser."
    : u"在瀏覽器打開Ren'Py使用說明.",

    u'Retrieving catalog'
    : u'擷取catalog',

    u'Checking files'
    : u'檢查檔案中',

    u'Making directories.'
    : u'製作文件夾中.',

    u'Downloading updated files'
    : u'下載更新檔案中',

    u'Renaming files'
    : u'檔案更名中',

    u'Fixing permissions.'
    : u'更正權限中.',

    : u'離開',

    : u'返回',

    : u'是',

    : u'成功',

    : u'取消',

    u"Thank you for choosing Ren'Py."
    : u"感謝您選擇Ren'Py.",

    u'Building Distributions'
    : u'建立發行版中',

    u'Linux x86'
    : u'Linux x86',

    : u'錯誤',

    u'New Project'
    : u'新企劃',

    u'Creating Project'
    : u'產生企劃',

    u'Please wait while we create the project.'
    : u'企劃創建過程中,請稍等。',

    u'Select Project'
    : u'選擇企劃',

    u'%s has been launched.'
    : u'%s 已被執行.',

    u'Opening game directory:\n%s'
    : u'打開遊戲文件夾:\n%s',

    u'Launched editor with %d script files.'
    : u'執行編輯器打開 %d 腳本文件.',

    : u'Lint',

    u'Lint in progress.'
    : u'Lint 測試進行中.',

    u'Deleting persistent data.'
    : u'正在刪除持久性數據.',

    u'Delete Persistent'
    : u'刪除持久性數據',

    u"Now showing the Ren'Py documentation in your web browser."
    : u"在您的web瀏覽器中顯示 Ren'Py 文檔",

    : u'執行',

    u'Edit Script'
    : u'編輯腳本',

    u'Game Directory'
    : u'遊戲文件夾',

    u'Check Script (Lint)'
    : u'檢查腳本 (Lint)',

    u'Archive Files'
    : u'歸檔文件',

    u'Build Distributions'
    : u'建立發行版',

    u'Select a project to work with.'
    : u'改變當前打開的企劃.',



style.default.font = "中文字体.ttf" #(該中文字體應放入/renpy/common目录下)
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