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Simple Onscreen Inventory

This code adds a simple, items only inventory that will remain onscreen until you set $ showitems = False .

init python:   
    showitems = True
    def display_items_overlay():
        if showitems:
            inventory_show = "Inventory: "
            for i in range(0, len(items)):
                item_name = items[i].title()
                if i > 0:
                    inventory_show += ", "
                inventory_show += item_name

$ items.append("stone") #when you want to add items
$ items.remove("stone")#when you want to remove items
$ showitems = False #when you don't want to show the inventory onscreen (cutscenes and the like)
$ showitems = True #when you want to reshow the inventory after the cutscene is over


With some adaptation, we can also use this code to display the current amount of money, or display an "Affection Meter" for a romantic interest.

init python:
    showaffection= False
    affection = 0
    def display_affection():
        if showaffection:   
            ui.frame() #This is optional. It adds a frame around the text.
            ui.text("Affection: %d" %affection)


$ showaffection = False #Hides the Affection box thing
$ affection +=5 #This adds 5 affection to the current score
$ affection -=5 #Likewise, this subtracts 5 affection from the current score

An onscreen money system is virtually the same.

init python:
    showmoney= False
    money = 0
    def display_affection():
        if showmoney:   
            ui.frame() #This is optional. It adds a frame around the text.
            ui.text("$ %d" %money)


$ showmoney = False #Hides the Money box thing
$ money +=5 #This adds $5 to the current score
$ money -=5 #Likewise, this subtracts $5 from the current score