Demo Script Example

Return to the tutorial.

# This script, but not the artwork associated with it, is in the
# public domain. Feel free to use it as the basis for your own
# game.

# If you're trying to understand this script, I recommend skipping
# down to the line beginning with 'label start:', at least on your
# first read-through.

# This init block runs first, and sets up all sorts of things that
# are used by the rest of the game. Variables that are set in init
# blocks are _not_ saved, unless they are changed later on in the
# program.


    # Set up the size of the screen, and the window title.
    $ config.screen_width = 800
    $ config.screen_height = 600
    $ config.window_title = "The Ren'Py Demo Game"

    # Change some styles, to add images in the background of
    # the menus and windows.
    $ style.mm_root_window.background = Image("mainmenu.jpg")
    $ style.gm_root_window.background = Image("gamemenu.jpg")
    $ style.window.background = Frame("frame.png", 125, 25)

    # Interface sounds, just for the heck of it.
    $ style.button.activate_sound = 'click.wav'
    $ style.imagemap.activate_sound = 'click.wav'
    $ library.enter_sound = 'click.wav'
    $ library.exit_sound = 'click.wav'

    # Select the transitions that are used when entering and exiting
    # the game menu.
    $ library.enter_transition = pixellate
    $ library.exit_transition = pixellate

    # There used to be a large list of definitions of placements and
    # transitions here. They've been moved into
    # common/definitions.rpy, to save space and allow them to be
    # upgraded more easily. You can still define your own transitions
    # and placements here, however.

    # $ slowdissove = Dissolve(1.0)
    # $ whitefade = Fade(.5, 0, .5, color=(255, 255, 255, 255))

    # Now, we declare the images that are used in the program.

    # Backgrounds.
    image carillon = Image("carillon.jpg")
    image whitehouse = Image("whitehouse.jpg")
    image washington = Image("washington.jpg")
    image onememorial = Image("1memorial.jpg")
    image black = Solid((0, 0, 0, 255))

    # Character pictures.
    image eileen happy = Image("9a_happy.png")
    image eileen vhappy = Image("9a_vhappy.png")
    image eileen concerned = Image("9a_concerned.png")

    # Finally, the character object. This object lets us have the
    # character say dialogue without us having to repeatedly type
    # her name. It also lets us change the color of her name.

    # Character objects.    
    $ e = Character('Eileen', color=(200, 255, 200, 255))

# The splashscreen is called, if it exists, before the main menu is
# shown the first time. It is not called if the game has restarted.

# We'll comment it out for now.
# label splashscreen:
#     scene black
#     show text "American Bishoujo Presents..." with dissolve
#     $ renpy.pause(1.0)
#     hide text with dissolve
#     return

# The start label marks the place where the main menu jumps to to
# begin the actual game.

label start:

    # The save_name variable sets the name of the save game. Like all
    # variables declared outside of init blocks, this variable is
    # saved and restored with a save file.
    $ save_name = "Introduction"

    # This variable is only used by our game. If it's true, it means
    # that we won the date.
    $ date = False

    # Clear the game runtime timer, so it doesn't reflect time spent
    # sitting at the main menu.
    $ renpy.clear_game_runtime()        

    # Start some music playing in the background.
    $ renpy.music_start('sun-flower-slow-drag.mid')

    # Now, set up the first scene. We first fade in our washington
    # background, and then we dissolve in the image of Eileen on top
    # of it.
    scene washington with fade
    show eileen vhappy with dissolve

    # Store the current version of Ren'Py into a variable, so we can
    # interpolate it into the next line.
    $ version = renpy.version()

    # Display a line of dialogue. In this case, we manually specify
    # who's saying the line of dialogue. We also interpolate in the
    # version of Ren'Py we're using.
    "Girl" "Hi, and welcome to the %(version)s demo program."

    # This instantly replaces the very happy picture of Eileen with
    # one showing her merely happy. It demonstrates how the show
    # statement lets characters change emotions.
    show eileen happy
    # Another line of dialogue.
    "Girl" "My name is Eileen, and while I plan to one day star in a
            real game, for now I'm here to tell you about Ren'Py."

    # This line used the e character object, which displays Eileen's
    # name in green. The use of a short name for a character object
    # lets us save typing when writing the bulk of the dialogue.
    e "Ren'Py is a language and engine for writing and playing visual
       novel games."

    e "Our goal is to allow people to be able to write the script for
       a game, and with very little effort, turn that script into
       a working game."

    e "I can tell you about the features of Ren'Py games, or how to write
       your own game. What do you want to know about?"

    # This variable is used to save the choices that have been made in
    # the main menu.
    $ seen_set = [ ]

label choices:

    # We change the save name here.
    $ save_name = "Question Menu"

    # This is the main menu, that lets the user decide what he wants
    # to hear about.

        # The set menu clause ensures that each menu choice can only
        # be chosen once.
        set seen_set

        # This is a menu choice. When chosen, the statements in its
        # block are executed.
        "What are some user-visible features of Ren'Py games?":

            # We call the features label. The from clause needs to be
            # here to ensure that save games work, even after we
            # change the script. It was added automatically.
            call features from _call_features_1

            # When we're done talking about features, jump back up
            # to choices.
            jump choices

        # Another choice. 
        "How do I write my own games with it?":
            call writing from _call_writing_1
            jump choices

        "Can you demonstrate more features to me?":
            call demonstrate from _call_demonstrate_1
            jump choices

        # This choice has a condition associated with it. It is only
        # displayed if the condition is true (in this case, if we have
        # selected at least one other choice has been chosen.) 
        "Where can I find out more?" if seen_set:
            call find_out_more from _call_find_out_more_1
            jump choices

        "Why are we in Washington, DC?":
            call washington from _call_washington_1
            jump choices

        "I think I've heard enough." if seen_set:
            jump ending

# This is the section on writing games.
label writing:

    # Change the title of the save games.
    $ save_name = "Writing Games"

    # We start off with a bunch of dialogue.
    e "If you want to write a game, I recommend that you read the
       Ren'Py tutorial, which you can get from our web page,"

    e "But here, we'll go over some of the basics of writing Ren'Py
       scripts. It might make sense if you open the source for this

    e "The source for this game can be found in the file

    e "The goal of Ren'Py is to make writing the game similar to
       typing up the script on the computer."

    e "For example, a line of dialogue is expressed by putting the
       character's name next to the dialogue string."

    # A string by itself like this displays without a name associated
    # with it. So it's useful for dialogue and narration.
    "I somehow remember that strings by themselves are displayed as
     thoughts or narration."
    e "The menu statement makes it easy to create menus."

    e "A number of statements let you control what is shown on the

    # This scene statement has a with clause associated with it. In
    # this case (based on what is defined in the init clause at the
    # top of this script), it causes a fade to black, and then back
    # to the new scene.
    scene whitehouse with fade

    e "The scene statement clears the scene list, which is the list of
       things that are shown on the screen."

    # This shows an image, and dissolves it in.
    show eileen happy with dissolve

    e "The show statement shows another image on the screen."

    # The at clause here, displays the character on the left side of
    # the screen. The with clause causes us to slide from the old
    # position to the new position.
    show eileen happy at left with move

    e "Images can take at clauses that specify where on the screen
       they are shown."

    show eileen vhappy at left

    e "Showing a new image with the same first part of the name
       replaces the image in the scene list."

    hide eileen with dissolve

    e "Finally, the hide statement hides an image, which is useful
       when a character leaves the scene."

    show eileen happy with dissolve

    e "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

    e "The with statement is used to cause transitions to
       happen. Transitions like fade..."

    # This statement hides the transient stuff from being included
    # in the next fade.
    with None

    # This with statement causes things to fade without changing the
    # scene.
    with fade

    e "... or dissolve ..."

    # In this block, the scene statement clears the scene list. So we
    # have to reshow the eileen happy image, so that it appears that
    # just the background is dissolving. Sneaky.
    with None
    scene washington
    show eileen happy
    with dissolve

    e "... are easily invoked."

    e "We now provide a series of user-interface functions, that allow
       the programmer to create fairly complex interfaces."

    e "Ren'Py also includes a number of control statements, and even
       lets you include python code."

    e "Rather than go into this here, you can read all about it in the

    e "You can see a number of features in action by asking me to
       demonstrate them at the next menu."

    e "If you want to make changes, you can edit the script for this
       game by editing game/script.rpy"

    e "When you've made a change, just re-run the game to see your
       change in action."

    e "Would you like to know about something else?"

    # We return back up to the menu that lets the user pick a topic.

# This ends the well-commented portion of this script.

label features:

    $ save_name = "Features"

    e "Ren'Py provides a number of gameplay features, giving the user
       a good experience while freeing up the game author to write his

    e "What are some of these features? Well, first of all, we take
       care of displaying the screen, as well as dialogue and menus."

    e "You can navigate through the game using the keyboard or the
       mouse. If you've gotten this far, you've probably figured that
       out already."

    e "Right-clicking or pressing escape will bring you to the game

    e "The game menu lets you save or load the game. Ren'Py doesn't
       limit the number of save slots available. You can create as
       many slots as you can stand."

    e "A preferences screen on the game menu lets you change the
       fullscreen mode, control skipping, text speed, and
       transitions, and turn sound and music on and off."

    e "The game menu also lets you restart or quit the game. But you
       wouldn't want to do that, would you?"

    e "Finally, the game menu lets you set up the game
       preferences. These preferences are saved between games."

    show eileen vhappy

    e "The next feature is really neat."

    show eileen happy

    menu rollback_menu:
        "Would you like to hear about rollback?"

            jump after_rollback

    e "Rollback is a feature that only Ren'Py has. It lets you go back
       in time in a game."

    e "For example, you can go back to a menu and save or make a
       different choice."

    e "You can access it by pressing page up or scrolling up on your
       mouse wheel."

    e "Why don't you try it by going back to the last menu and
       choosing 'No.' instead of 'Yes.'"

    e "Press page up or scroll up the mouse wheel."

    show eileen concerned

    e "Well, are you going to try it?"

    e "Your loss."

    e "Moving on."

label after_rollback:

    show eileen happy
    e "Ren'Py gives you a few ways of skipping dialogue. Pressing
       control quickly skips dialogue you've seen at least once."

    e "Pressing Tab toggles the skipping of dialogue you've seen at
       least once."

    e "Pressing page down or scrolling the mouse wheel down will let
       you skip dialogue you've seen this session. This is useful
       after a rollback."

    e "If you want to try these, you might want to rollback a bit
       first, so you can skip over something you've seen already."

    e "Finally, Ren'Py has predictive image loading, so you rarely
       have to wait for a new image to load."

    e "Remember, all these features are built into the engine or
       standard library. So every game written with Ren'Py has them."

    e "Is there anything else you'd like to know about?"

label find_out_more:

    $ save_name = "Find Out More"

    e "There are a few places you can go to find out more about

    e "The Ren'Py homepage,, is probably
       the best place to start."

    e "There, you can download new versions of Ren'Py, and read the
       tutorial online."

    e "If you have questions, the best place to ask them is the Ren'Py
       forum of the Lemmasoft forums."

    e "Just go to, and click on

    e "We thank Blue Lemma for hosting our forum."

    e "Finally, feel free to email or IM us if you need help. You can
       get the addresses to use from"

    e "We really want people to make their own games with Ren'Py, and
       if there's anything we can do to help, just tell us."

    e "Is there anything I can help you with now?"


label washington:

    $ save_name = "Washington, DC"

    e "We're in Washington, DC because over Summer 2004 American
       Bishoujo's home base was just outside of DC."

    scene whitehouse
    show eileen happy at left
    with fade

    e "Even though we've moved back to New York, we took a bunch of
       pictures, and decided to use them."

    show eileen concerned at left

    e "It was easier than drawing new pictures for this demo."

    show eileen happy at left
    e "Do you have a favorite landmark in or around DC?"


        "The White House.":

            e "I was supposed to go on a tour of the West Wing, once."

            show eileen concerned

            e "They wouldn't let us in."

            e "The secret service guy who was supposed to show us
               around was out of town that day."

            e "Too bad."

        "The National Mall.":

            e "It's always fun to go down to the national mall."

            e "You can visit the monuments, or see one of the

            e "I guess you could run out of things to do after a while
               but I didn't over the course of a summer."
        "The Netherlands Carillon.":
            jump netherlands
    jump post_netherlands

label netherlands:

    show eileen vhappy at left

    e "You've been to the Netherlands Carillon?"

    scene carillon
    show eileen vhappy at left
    with dissolve

    e "It may not be much to look at but the sound of the bells is
       really neat."

    e "I love going there. Saturdays during the summer, they have
       these recitals in the park where a guy comes and plays the 
       bells live."

    e "You can climb to the top and talk to him, if you're not afraid
       of heights."

    e "Once, I saw a little girl there, maybe three or four years old.
       The guy played the bumblebee song for here, and he even let her play the last
       note. It was so cute!"

    e "I haven't been there for so long."

        "Would you like to go there sometime?":

            e "You mean, together?"

            e "Sure, why not. How does next Saturday sound?"
            e "It's a date."

            $ date = True

        "That sounds nice.":

            show eileen happy at left

            e "Well, it is."
label post_netherlands:

    scene washington
    show eileen happy
    with fade

    e "Anyway, is there anything else you want to know about Ren'Py?"


label ending:

    $ save_name = "Ending"

    e "Well, that's okay."

    e "I hope you'll consider using Ren'Py for your next game

    show eileen vhappy

    e "Thanks for viewing this demo!"

    if date:
        e "And I'll see you on Saturday."
    scene black with dissolve

    "Ren'Py and the Ren'Py demo were written by PyTom."

    'The background music is "Sun Flower Slow Drag" by S. Joplin
     (1868-1917). Thanks to the Mutopia project for making it

    'The author would like to thank everyone who makes original
     English-language bishoujo games, and the people on the Lemmasoft forums
     who encouraged him.'

    "We can't wait to see what you do with this. Good luck!"

    $ minutes, seconds = divmod(int(renpy.get_game_runtime()), 60)
    "It took you %(minutes)d minutes and %(seconds)d seconds to
     finish this demo."
    $ renpy.full_restart()

label speedtest:

    with None
    scene whitehouse
    show eileen happy
    with dissolve

    e "Okay, I'm going to run the speedtest on your system."

    e "I'll only be testing the performance of the dissolve
       transition. It taxes your system the most, as it needs to
       redraw the entire screen each frame."

    $ frames = config.frames

    with None
    scene washington
    show eileen happy
    with Dissolve(5.0)

    $ frames = config.frames - frames
    $ fps = frames / 5.0

    e "Well, your system displayed %(frames)d frames in five
       seconds. That's %(fps).1f fps."

    e "Remember, this is the worst-case speed, as usually we can just
       draw the parts of the screen that have changed."

    e "Thanks for viewing the secret speed test."

# Setup the secret key for the speedtest.
        config.keymap['speedtest'] = [ 'S' ]


    # This is just some example code to show the ui functions in
    # action. You probably want to delete this (and the call to
    # day_planner above) from your game. This code isn't really all
    # that useful except as an example.
        def day_planner():

            periods = [ 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening' ]
            choices = [ 'Study', 'Exercise',
                        'Eat', 'Drink', 'Be Merry' ]

            plan = { 'Morning' : 'Eat',
                     'Afternoon' : 'Drink',
                     'Evening' : 'Be Merry' }

            day = 'March 25th'

            stats = [
                ('Strength', 100, 10),
                ('Intelligence', 100, 25),
                ('Moxie', 100, 100),
                ('Chutzpah', 100, 75),

            editing = None

            def button(text, selected, returns, **properties):
                style = 'button'
                style_text = 'button_text'

                if selected:

                          style=style, **properties)
                ui.text(text, style=style_text)

            while True:

                # Stats Window



                for name, range, value in stats:

                    ui.text(name, minwidth=150)
          , 20, range, value, ypos=0.5, yanchor=center)


                # Period Selection Window.
                ui.vbox(xpos=0.5, xanchor='center')
                ui.text(day, xpos=0.5, xanchor='center', textalign=0.5)
                for i in periods:
                    face = i + ": " + plan[i]
                    button(face, editing == i, ("edit", i))

                ui.textbutton("Continue", clicked=ui.returns(("done", True)))

                # Choice window.
                if editing:
                    ui.text("What will you do in the %s?" % editing.lower())

                    for i in choices:
                        button(i, plan[editing] == i, ("set", i),
                               xpos=0, xanchor='left')


                # Window at the bottom.
                ui.text("To get to the next screen, click the 'Continue' button.")
                type, value = ui.interact()

                if type == "done":

                if type == "edit":
                    editing = value

                if type == "set":
                    plan[editing] = value
                    editing = None

            return plan

    image movie = Movie()

        povname = ""
        pov = DynamicCharacter("povname", color=(255, 0, 0, 255))

    image eileen animated = Animation(
        "9a_vhappy.png", 1.0,
        "9a_happy.png", 1.0)

    image smanim = anim.SMAnimation(
        anim.State("r", Solid((255, 0, 0, 255))),
        anim.State("g", Solid((0, 255, 0, 255))),
        anim.State("b", Solid((0, 0, 255, 255))),

        anim.Edge("r", .5, "g", dissolve),
        anim.Edge("r", .5, "b", dissolve),

        anim.Edge("g", .5, "r", dissolve),
        anim.Edge("g", .5, "b", dissolve),

        anim.Edge("b", .5, "r", dissolve),
        anim.Edge("b", .5, "g", dissolve),         

    image cyan base = Image("cyan.png")

    image cyan crop = im.Crop("cyan.png", 100, 0, 100, 200)
    image cyan composite = im.Composite((200, 300),
                                        (0, 0), "cyan.png",
                                        (0, 50), "cyan.png",
                                        (0, 100), "cyan.png")

    image cyan green = im.Map("cyan.png", bmap=im.ramp(0, 0))

    image cyan alpha = im.Alpha("cyan.png", 0.5)
    image eileen alpha = im.Alpha("9a_happy.png", 0.5)

    $ cyanpos = Position(xpos=700, xanchor='right', ypos=100, yanchor='top')

label demonstrate:

    scene washington
    show eileen happy

    e "I can give you a demonstration of some of the features in
       Ren'Py, but you'll have to tell me what it is you'd like to
       have demonstrated."

    menu demo_menu:

        "Simple transitions, updated in 4.8.5":

            e "Okay, I can tell you about simple transitions. We call
               them simple because they aren't that flexible."

            e "But don't let that get you down, since they're the
               transitions you'll probably use the most."

            with None
            scene whitehouse
            show eileen happy
            with dissolve

            e "The dissolve transition is probably the most useful,
               blending one scene into another."

            with None
            with fade

            e "The fade transition fades to black, and then fades back
               in to the new scene."

            e "If you're going to stay at a black screen, you'll
               probably want to use dissolve rather than fade."

            with None
            scene washington
            show eileen happy
            with pixellate

            e "The pixellate transition pixellates out the old scene,
               switches to the new scene, and then unpixellates that."

            e "It's probably not appropriate for most games, but we
               think it's kind of neat."

            e "Finally, we can point out that motions can be used as



            with vpunch

            e "Hey! Pay attention."

            e "I was about to demonstrate vpunch... well, I guess I just

            with hpunch

            e "We can also shake the screen horizontally, with hpunch."

        "CropMove transitions, added in 4.5.":

            e "The CropMove transition class lets us provide a wide
               range of transition effects."

            hide eileen with dissolve

            e "I'll stand offscreen, so you can see some of its modes. I'll read
               out the mode name after each transition."

            scene whitehouse with wiperight

            e "We first have wiperight..."

            scene washington with wipeleft

            e "...followed by wipeleft... "    

            scene whitehouse with wipeup

            e "...wipeup..."

            scene washington with wipedown

            e "...and wipedown."

            e "Next, the slides."

            scene whitehouse with slideright

            e "Slideright..."

            scene washington with slideleft

            e "...slideleft..."

            scene whitehouse with slideup

            e "...slideup..."

            scene washington with slidedown

            e "and slidedown."

            e "While the slide transitions slide in the new scene, the
               slideaways slide out the old scene."

            scene whitehouse with slideawayright

            e "Slideawayright..."

            scene washington with slideawayleft

            e "...slideawayleft..."

            scene whitehouse with slideawayup

            e "...slideawayup..."

            scene washington with slideawaydown

            e "and slideawaydown."

            e "We also have a couple of transitions that use a
               rectangular iris."

            scene whitehouse with irisout

            e "There's irisout..."

            with None
            scene washington
            show eileen happy
            with irisin

            e "... and irisin."

            e "It's enough to make you feel a bit dizzy."
        "Positions and movement, updated in 4.8.":

            e "I'm not stuck standing in the middle of the screen,
               even though I like being the center of attention."

            e "Positions, given with an at clause, specify where I'm

            e "The move transition moves around images that have
               changed position."

            e "For example..."

            show eileen happy at offscreenleft with move

            e "I can move over to the offscreenleft position, just off
               the left side of the screen."

            show eileen happy at left with move

            e "The left position has my left side border the left
               margin of the screen."

            show eileen happy at center with move

            e "I can also move to the center..."

            show eileen happy at right with move

            e "... the right ..."

            show eileen happy at offscreenright with move

            e "... or even to offscreenright, off the right-hand side
               of the screen."

            show eileen happy at right with move

            e "We don't limit you to these five positions either. You
               can always create your own Position objects."

            # This is necessary to restart the time at which we are
            # shown. 
            hide eileen happy

            show eileen happy at Move((1.0, 1.0, 'right', 'bottom'),
                                      (0.0, 1.0, 'left', 'bottom'),
                                      4.0, repeat=True, bounce=True)

            e "It's also possible to have a movement happen while
               showing dialogue on the screen, using the Move function."

            e "Move can repeat a movement, and even have it bounce
               back and forth, like I'm doing now."

            scene onememorial at Pan((0, 800), (0, 0), 10.0) with dissolve

            e "Finally, we can pan around an image larger than the
               screen, using the Pan function in an at

            e "That's what we're doing now, panning up a picture of
               the memorial to the Big Red One."

            with None
            scene washington
            show eileen happy
            with dissolve

        "Animation, updated in 4.8.5":

            e "Ren'Py supports a number of ways of creating

            e "These animations let you vary images, independent of
               the user's clicks."

            show eileen animated

            e "For example, I'm switching my expression back and
               forth, once a second."

            e "Even though you clicked, I'm still doing it."

            e "This is an example of the Animation function at work."

            show eileen happy

            e "The Animation function is limited to simple lists of
               images, with fixed delays between them."

            e "The sequence can repeat, or can stop after one

            e "If you want more control, you can use the
               anim.SMAnimation function."

            e "It can randomly change images, and even apply
               transitions to changes."

            with None
            scene smanim
            show eileen happy
            with dissolve

            e "Here, we randomly dissolve the background between red,
               green, and blue images."

            e "Psychadelic."

            with None
            scene washington
            show eileen happy
            with dissolve

            e "It's probably best if we stop here, before somebody's
               brain explodes."

        "Text tags, added in 4.7.":

            e "Text tags let us control the appearance of text that is
               shown to the user."

            e "Text tags can make text {b}bold{/b}, {i}italic{/i}, or

            e "They can make the font size {size=+12}bigger{/size} or

            e "They can even change the

            e "There are also bold, italic, and underline style properties, which can
               be styled onto any text."

            e "If you find yourself using text tags on every line, you
               should probably look at style properties instead."

            e "Used with care, text tags can enhance {b}your{/b} game."

            e "{u}Used{/u} with {i}abandon,{/i} they {b}can{/b} make {b}your{/b}
               game {color=#333}hard{/color} {color=#888}to{/color} {color=#ccc}read{/color}."

            e "With great power comes great responsibility, after all."

            e "And we want to give you all the power you need."

        "Music, sound and movies, updated in 4.5.":
            e "Ren'Py supports a number of multimedia functions."

            e "You're probably hearing music playing in the

            $ renpy.music_stop(fadeout=0.5)
            e "We can stop it..."

            $ renpy.music_start('sun-flower-slow-drag.mid')
            e "... and start it playing again."
            # This plays a sound effect.

            e "We can also play up to eight channels of sound effects
               on top of the music."

            e "We ship, in the extras/ directory, code to support
               characters having voice."

            e "Finally, we support playing mpeg movies."
            if renpy.exists('Eisenhow1952.mpg'):

                e "Since you downloaded the Eisenhower commercial, I can show
                   it to you as a cutscene."

                e "You can click to continue if it gets on your nerves too

                $ renpy.movie_cutscene('Eisenhow1952.mpg', 63.0)

                hide eileen
                show movie at Position(xpos=420, ypos=25, xanchor='left', yanchor='top')
                show eileen happy

                $ renpy.movie_start_displayable('Eisenhow1952.mpg', (352, 240))

                e "Ren'Py can even overlay rendered images on top of a movie,
                   although that's more taxing for your CPU."

                e "It's like I'm some sort of newscaster or something."

                $ renpy.movie_stop()
                hide movie


                e "You haven't downloaded the Eisenhower commercial, so we
                   can't demonstrate it."

            e "That's it for multimedia."

        "Image Operations, added in 4.8.5":

            e "Image operations allow one to manipulate images as they
               are loaded in."

            e "These are efficent, as they are only evaluated when an
               image is first loaded."

            e "This way, there's no extra work that needs to be done
               when each frame is drawn to the screen."

            show eileen happy at left with move
            show cyan base at cyanpos with dissolve

            e "Let me show you a test image, a simple cyan circle."

            e "We'll be applying some image operations to it, to see
               how they can be used."

            show cyan crop at cyanpos with dissolve
            e "The im.Crop operation can take the image, and chop it
               up into a smaller image."

            show cyan composite at cyanpos with dissolve

            e "The im.Composite operation lets us take multiple images,
               and draw them into a single image."

            e "While you can do this by showing multiple images, this
               is more efficent, if more complex."

            show cyan green at cyanpos with dissolve

            e "The im.Map operation lets us mess with the red, green,
               blue, and alpha channels of an image."

            e "In this case, we removed all the blue from the image,
               leaving only the green component of cyan."

            show cyan alpha at cyanpos with dissolve

            e "The im.Alpha operation can adjust the alpha channel on
               an image, making things partially transparent."

            show eileen alpha at left with dissolve

            e "It's useful if a character just happens to be ghost."

            with None
            hide cyan
            show eileen happy at left
            with dissolve

            e "But that's not the case with me."

            show eileen happy with move

        "User interaction.":

            e "Ren'Py gives a number of ways of interacting with the

            e "You've already seen say statements and menus."

            e "We can also prompt the user to enter some text."

            $ povname = renpy.input("What is your name?")

            pov "My name is %(povname)s."

            e "Imagemaps let the user click on an image to make a

            # This is an imagemap. It consists of two images, and a list of
            # hotspots. For each hotspot we give the coordinates of the left,
            # top, right, and bottom sides, and the value to return if it is
            # picked.

            $ result = renpy.imagemap("ground.png", "selected.png", [
                (100, 100, 300, 400, "eileen"),
                (500, 100, 700, 400, "lucy")

            # We've assigned the chosen result from the imagemap to the
            # result variable. We can use an if statement to vary what
            # happens based on the user's choice.

            if result == "eileen":
                show eileen vhappy
                e "You picked me!"

            elif result == "lucy":
                show eileen concerned
                e "It looks like you picked Lucy."

                # Eileen is being a bit possesive here. :-P
                if date:
                    e "You can forget about Saturday."
                    $ date = False

            show eileen happy

            e "While these constructs are probably enough for most
               visual novels, dating simulations may be more

            e "The ui functions allow you to create quite complicated
            e "For example, try the following scheduling and stats screen,
               which could be used by a stat-based dating simulation."

            $ day_planner()

            e "The ui functions can be used to rewrite many parts of
               the interface."

            e "Hopefully, this gives you enough power to write any
               visual novel you want."

        " " # Empty, so we have a blank line.

        "That's enough for me.":


    e "Is there anything else you want demonstrated?"

    jump demo_menu


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